Mission: Investigate craft and art in aesthetic climate that honors tradition while acknowledging the rich potential of contemporary visual art, craft practice and research. Architecturally significant campus and focused energy of Haystack provide an environment that supports serious exploration.
Offering two-week residency, one- and two-week workshops, conference; May-September. blacksmithing, ceramics, glass, graphics, metals, textiles, wood, writing, and more. Scholarships available. Residency and Scholarship applicant deadline: March 1. General applicant deadline: April 1. All levels welcome.
Haystack Mountain School of Crafts
89 Haystack School Drive, Deer Isle
On campus tours are offered on Wed., 1 p.m.,
for a nominal charge, from June 3 to August 26;
evening presentations, open to the public, 7:00 p.m.
348-2306 HYPERLINK http://www.haystack-mtn.org