Nestled between Blue Hill Mountain and the protective arm of Blue Hill Bay lies the town of Blue Hill. In 1762, the town’s founders sailed up the bay, disembarked at Mill Island near the reversing falls and built their homes there. Incorporated in 1789, Blue Hill first made a name for itself as a shipbuilding and lumber center, it’s sawmills and craftspeople turning out brigs and schooners, masts, cordwood and shingles. Granite from Blue Hill was prized for its high quality and made its way to such notable buildings as the US Stock Exchange and the Brooklyn Bridge.
By the mid-1800s, the town became a summer destination. Today, Blue Hill is rich with artists and craftspeople, excellent food, gracious lodging, art galleries and small shops. Blue Hill welcomes visitors and residents alike to hike its forests and to canoe, kayak and sail its waters.
As a service center, the community offers excellent public and private schools, a library that has been the cornerstone of intellectual and social activity in town since its founding in 1796, and a full-service hospital.
Blue Hill offers community events such as the traditional blueberry festival at the Congo Church, a summer concert series featuring the steel drum band Flash! in The Pans, classical music at Kneisel Hall and Blue Hill Bach, and theatrical productions by New Surry Theatre. The Memorial Day Parade, the well-known Blue Hill Fair, and both a winter and summer farmers market are just some of the social, recreational and musical events Blue Hill has to offer.