From its earliest days, the sea has defined this region as a center for boat building, coastal trading, sailing, fishing and recreation. The Peninsula’s many harbors and inlets are dotted by lobster boats, sailboats of all size and type, smallcraft and motorboats.
Working and recreational waterfronts coexist all over the peninsula and Deer Isle. From Stonington, (whose lobstermen and women deliver the highest lobster landings in the state) to the deep, protected cove of Buck’s Harbor in Brooksville, to Castine’s bustling harbor, the ocean continues to beckon.
Blue Hill’s public landing is in South Blue Hill, off of Rte 175. It is inaccessible by boat at low tide. Harbor Master: Dennis Robertson (207) 374-2281
Brooklin‘s town landing is on Naskeag Point at the end of Naskeag Point Rd. Turn left at the General store when traveling south on Rte 175.
Sedgwick and Brooksville share a public landing at Walker’s Pond, off of Rte 15/175 (on Cooper Farm Rd.) in Sedgwick. This is a fresh water landing.
Sedgwick has a town dock on the Benjamin River.
Brooksville‘s other town landing is located on Rte 175/176 (on Franks Flats Rd) in North Brooksville, across from the Bagaduce Lunch. This landing is on a tidal river.
Brooksville is home to another public landing, located on Rte 176 (Coastal Rd) on Buck’s Harbor in North Brooksville.
Castine Town Dock, June-August: (207) 266-7711
Castine & Brooksville Harbormaster: Sarah Cox (207) 326-9638
For more information regarding marine weather conditions, yacht brokers, boatbuilders and other marine related business, visit
Tide charts are available for Castine Harbor, Center Harbor (Brooklin) and Blue Hill Harbor.
Sailing lessons
- Kollegewidgwok Yacht Club in Blue Hill (207) 374-5505
- Nichols Day Camps office (207) 374-5862, June-Aug camp office (207) 359-4900
On the Water
Activity Shop

139 Mines Rd
Blue Hill, ME 04614
Blue Hill Maritime Heritage Festival

Blue Hill Town Wharf
Friends of Holbrook Island Sanctuary
434 Weir Cove Road
Harborside, ME 04642
Island Heritage Trust

42 Sunset Rd
Deer Isle, ME 04627
Nichols Day Camps

40 Camp Lane
Sedgwick, ME 04616
Osprey’s Echo Sea Kayaking, LLC

35 Big Pond Road
Stonington, ME 04681