Why the US Needs Carbon Pricing

4:30 pm - 6:00 pm
Blue Hill Town Hall
18 Union Street, Blue Hill, Maine, 04614

Monday, June 17th, Blue Hill Town Hall

Join the Brooklin Climate Response Committee for a presentation by Peter Dugas, New England Regional Director of Citizen’s Climate Lobby. Peter will help us explore how carbon pricing can affect the trajectory of climate change, pricing models used in other countries, and their relevance in the United States.

Interested in becoming a climate advocate? Adam Zemans from CCL’s Blue Hill Chapter will demonstrate their easy-to-use advocacy tools, and discuss the effectiveness of different advocacy strategies.
Can’t make it in person? Go to https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZItdeCorj8pHNBs-orqzpJTkV7hE7Ipgcxf to register for zoom.

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