Explore Outdoors! Program for Kids: The Science of Seaweed

3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Blue Hill Public Library
5 Parker Point Rd, Blue Hill, ME, 04614

Julianne Taylor, education coordinator for Explore Outdoors! – a collaboration between Blue Hill Heritage Trust, Downeast Audubon, and Great Pond Mountain Conservation Trust – will do a program for kids about coastal Maine seaweed at the Blue Hill Public Library on Wednesday, August 22nd at 3:00 PM. Participants will delve into learning about the different species of seaweeds and then they will have the opportunity to do some identification activities, including making seaweed pressings.

This program is co-sponsored by the library and Explore Outdoors! There is no charge and everyone is welcome. For more information call the Library at 374-5515.

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