Cyanotype on Paper and Fabric
Friday, February 28, 3 – 6 PM in the Kaleidoscope Studio.
Experiment with natural patterns and mindful making through a hands-on workshop focusing on cyanotypes! This class will focus on the basics of cyanotype printing techniques with fabric and paper to create a series of prints and fabric patches. Dive into the realm of this photo graphic printmaking process in this hands-on class as a way to connect to the season and objects around us.
This workshop offers an amalgamation of outdoor foraging, printmaking, photography, and fiber processes, thereby offering infinite possibilities for creativity within each mode of making.Participants will capture shadows through cyanotype printing, utilizing seasonally foraged plants of the region as well as everyday objects that hold memory or visual intrigue to print with on coated cotton fabric and watercolor paper. No experience with any techniques are necessary to join!
About the Instructor: Katama Murray (she/her) is an artist, educator, naturalist, and small business owner from the Blue Hill peninsula now residing in Deer Isle, Maine. Her mixed media work and company, Teach Peace Prints, are inspired by place-based making and our interconnectedness to the environment. While living and studying throughout regions of New England and the Midwest, she has always been influenced by the outdoors and the ways in which we coexist with the natural world. Utilizing locally foraged natural materials, she layers print and fiber processes to visually communicate ideas, observations, and perpetual experimentation. Through hands-on techniques, Katama teaches regional workshops focused on mixed media methods that encourage exploration and foster life-long learning. Katama is also the Handworks Teacher teacher at The Bay School and Visual Arts Educator at the Blue Hill Harbor School. With a passion for multidisciplinary making, she enjoys inspiring others to become more connected to the earth through the power of art and community.