A “Music in Literature” series for children ages 5-7 continues on Saturday, January 21st, at 10:30am at the Friend Library in Brooklin. The program will feature Violinist Meredith Amado. This is the third workshop in a series of five that will be held in various libraries across the peninsula. Each program will feature a storybook, followed by a musical performance, and then a hands-on activity that will have the children creating and exploring sound.
The program being is hosted by the Bagaduce Music Lending Library. The fourth program will be February 15, with bassoonist Leslie Ross on woodwinds, at the Brooksville Public Library. The fifth and final in the series concludes during National Music Month on March 25 at the Bagaduce Music Lending Library Performance Hall with Harpist Liza Rey.
All programs begin at 10:30am with the exception of the Brooksville program which will begin at 2:00pm. Children (and parents) are invited to attend any or all of these sessions. Registration required for this FREE program, contact the Brooklin Library 359-2276.