Beto Jamaica Rey Vallenato Comes to Tinder Hearth

12:00 am
Tinder Hearth Bakery
1452 Coastal Rd., Brooksville, ME, 04617

Alberto “Beto” Jamaica is one of the leading vallenato and cumbia players in Colombia. Since winning the prestigious Leyenda Vallenata Festival competition in 2006 he has become known as Rey Vallenato Colombia (“The Vallenato King”). His music is a vibrant mix of cumbia, paseo, porro all wrapped into his infectious accordion driven vallenato.

Doors open at 5PM, with pizza and drinks available for purchase. Music starts at 7PM. Children 13 and under get in free. We recommend getting tickets now—if we sell out online, we will not be able to have much available at the door. Please call us if you would rather not purchase tickets online.

We plan to be outside, please dress appropriately! The will take place in the barn in the case of inclement weather. Chairs are available as needed, but the space will be arranged primarily for dancing.

Get your tickets here!

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