Art History Film and Hands-On Workshop at the Blue Hill Public Library

5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Blue Hill Public Library
5 Parker Point Rd, Blue Hill

Local artist and gallery-owner Margret Baldwin will host a series of six art history film screenings at the Blue Hill Public Library, each paired with an optional, related hands-on workshop two days later. The film screenings and workshops are free and open to all, but space in the hands-on art workshops is limited. Registration for the art workshops will be taken at each film screening, and is limited to those who attend the films.

Leading off the series will be the film: The Curious World of Hieronymus Bosch, on Thursday, February 7th, after which there will be a workshop on Saturday, February 9th at 5:00 PM where participants will create found-object hats and masks. Hieronymus Bosch (ca. 1450-1516) was a Dutch painter known for his wild and fantastic religious-based paintings, including grotesque depictions of Hell.

Margret is a certified art instructor with 25 years in the public school system and private teaching experience. She expanded her exposure to art and artists through her curatorial experience during eight years of employment at the Blue Hill Public Library. She has exhibited widely, and in the summer runs her neighborhood “Little Gallery” in Surry.

For more information, contact Hannah at the library at or 374-5515.

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