all-family worship & birthday party at the Blue Hill Congo Church

10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Blue Hill Congregational Church
22 Tenney Hill, Blue Hill, Maine, 04614

The story of the creation of the world in 7 days, in the beginning of the Bible, is well known. The deep spiritual insights to be gained from this story have stood the test of time and can co-exist with a scientific understanding of earth’s origins. The First Congregational Church joyfully celebrates the creation story at the beginning of our church’s Sunday School Year. All are invited to an all-family worship service September 11th at the 10:00 a.m. at First Congregational Church of Blue Hill.  You are invited to bring a favorite stuffed animal or a plant to bring forward as we tell about the creation of plants and animals.  After worship, interested families may register for Sunday School and learn about youth activities.

 Following the service, it is time to celebrate everybody’s birthday at a social hour in Jonathan Fisher Hall. There will be 12 birthday cakes, one decorated for each month of the year—wonderful to see and delicious to taste. You are invited to sit with others who share your birth month, and enjoy coffee, tea or juice and refreshments as you make new friends at this birthday party for everyone.

The following week, September 18, Sunday School begins. Our younger Sunday School learns our biblical traditions, with story, art and music. Those 5th grade and older will learn in more depth about faith and ways to make a difference in the world. Nursery care is provided for pre-schoolers. Sunday School is held during the worship service; children may attend the first part of worship, and leave for their classes after a children’s sermon.

For more information on educational and youth activities at First Congregational Church of Blue Hill, UCC, call Wendy Ritger (374-2891).


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