Meditation with Sound and Music: Free Virtual Workshop

5:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Healthy Acadia invites community members to join a virtual workshop, “Meditation with Sound and Music”. The free event, featuring special guest David Sholemson, is part of Healthy Acadia’s Monthly Mindfulness series.

The workshop will explore various

techniques that incorporate music and sound to promote a peaceful and healthy state. Participants will engage in standing and seated meditation, as well as moving and still meditation, to discover which music or sound best supports their meditation practice.

“Music is sound, and sound can create silence,” said Sholemson, quoting the spiritual teacher Osho. “We are all energetic beings vibrating at our own frequency. This class will delve into how the vibrations we call music can assist in meditation.”

Pre-registration is required for this free event

Click here to register and receive zoom link!

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