Men’s fashion at the time of the American Revolution was very different than men’s fashion of today. Historian Henry Cooke will offer a public lecture entitled Soldiers, Sailors and Loyal Citizens All: The Dress of Castine during the British Occupation, 1779-1783 on Friday evening, August 18 (7 – 9 p.m.), at the Hutchins Education Center in Castine. When the British Army and Navy arrived in Castine in 1779, they added their unique attire to that of a port town filled with fishermen, ship builders, skilled tradespeople, as well as merchants and their genteel ladies. This lecture will draw upon historical records, period artwork and both original and reproduction garments to illustrate the distinguishing quality and style represented in Castine’s colorful community. The lecture is free and open to the public.
Henry Cooke of Historical Costume Services has two degrees in American Social History with a focus on the ordinary people of the Revolutionary era. His interest in that time period found expression in living history as a founding member of the Tenth Massachusetts Regiment, which he helped to found in 1977, and subsequently led for eighteen years. His research into the material culture of the past, particularly in the study and reproduction of historic costume, was born of practical necessity to get historical clothing for interpretation. This eventually evolved to become his current business, Historical Costume Services, which he operates out of his 1850s vintage home in Randolph, Massachusetts.
For more information visit the Wilson Museum’s Calendar of Events at, call 207-326-9247, or email