On October 15th 2017 Brooksville as part of their 200th Anniversary Celebration is hosting a Pick Up Parade recognizing 1st Responders for what they do for each of us. All proceeds will be divided between:
Our Local Fire Department Mutual Aid units.
Both Blue Hill (PAC) and Deer Isle (Memorial) Ambulance Companies
LifeFlight of Maine
Pre registration entries will sign in between 9:00 & 10:45AM at the Brooksville Elementary School, from there will be directed to line up on So. Wharf & Wharf Roads.
Parade will start at 11:00AM proceed North onto Coastal Road (Rte 176) then travel onto Bagaduce Rd (Rte 175), at end will turn right, back onto Coastal road and continue on past Walker’s Pond, through Buck’s Harbor eventually making a full circle ending back at school grounds, 1527 Coastal Rd.
We felt as a community the events held throughout the year should hold something for everyone, all being family oriented but to have at least one event which would be different, fun and uniting but more than that, something outside of the box. An event that would make memories but also give back. We chose a Pick Up Parade as being Outside of the Box and to give back, we chose those who Step Up and Gear Up for us! So on October 15, 2017 join us because “For us they Gear Up, for them we’ll Pick Up!